Journey into the heart of St. Thérèse of Lisieux’s Little Way with the 33 Days to Merciful Love Group Retreat.

The format of the retreat is simple: The participants will read from the book 33 Days to Merciful Love and answer several questions in their workbooks daily, on their own. Then we’ll all come together weekly on Wednesdays to watch a talk by Fr. Michael on DVD, and break into small groups for discussion.
The retreat will begin on July 10, Wednesday, with our first meeting in  Room 313-314 at St Ann Parish. At the conclusion of the six week retreat, we’ll make our consecration to Divine Mercy on August 15, the Feast of Assumption of Mary.

Saint Pope John Paul II emphasized that now is the time of mercy, now is a time of great and extraordinary grace, a time in which all of us can become great saints — if we tap into that grace. One of the ways we tap into that grace is by asking God to fill us with an ocean of His tenderness and mercy. And we do that by consecrating ourselves to His Mercy. 

Please consider joining us.