Dear Sisters in Catholic Daughters,
We have just returned from another March for Life in Washington. What a phenomenal experience to see so many people out marching for life as one of the worst snowstorm to hit Washington in a long time was descending upon us. We ended up stranded in Washington for two extra days, but we were headed to New York for a budget and board meeting so we made the most of our time and met while we were there. Regent-Elect Helene Shepard and I were interviewed on EWTN on the morning of the March, and I have had several emails from people who are interested in Catholic Daughters as a result of seeing us on EWTN. Hopefully, they will materialize into some new courts. It is always a great experience to attend the Vigil Mass for Life the night before the March in the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception. In his homily, Cardinal Dolan asked all pro-lifers to see the face of Jesus in everyone we meet and treat them as we would treat Jesus. Speaking about the First reading that night where Jonathan talked his father, Saul into not killing King David, Cardinal Dolan challenged all of us to convert others so they will not kill innocent unborn babies. As Catholic Daughters, we stand for life and we go to Washington to tell the world that CDA stands for Life! Our concern for life does not end with the unborn baby. The week before the March, I saw a program on EWTN about the possibility of many states putting assisted suicide on the ballot next fall. We really need to be alert to whether the issue of assisted suicide comes up in our state. We need to not only vote against it, but work to convert others to want to protect the elderly, the infirm, and people with disabilities. We also need to let our Congressmen know that we believe in preserving life at all ages and stages.
Since our last newsletter, we went on a wonderful pilgrimage to Rome and Medjugorje. Then, on December 2, we traveled to Kenya in East Africa where we instituted our first “world court.” We had a wonderful visit there, and we welcome these ladies to the Catholic Daughters. I sent a letter to the State Regents and the local court Regents for whom I had email addresses, telling all about the institution of the court in Kenya. I am attaching a copy of the letter to this Quarterly for those of you who did not get a copy. For those who have already responded generously to the letter, thank you very, very much. You truly are living our theme this term, “Whatever you do for the least of my brethren, you do for me.” Matthew 25:40
I would also like to take this opportunity to thank all of you for the cards, prayers, Masses, and your many expressions of sympathy when my sister lost her battle with cancer and passed away on November 2nd. They are greatly appreciated. I can’t even begin to express how much they all mean to me.
Our second convention mailing is attached to this newsletter. Please read it carefully and use the forms to register, sign up for meals, choir, walk/run, tours, etc. The Pennsylvania State Board and the many chairpersons and committees are working extremely hard to make this the best convention ever. I hope you will be able to join us in Pittsburgh for the 56th Biennial National CDA Convention. Coming to the National Convention is a great way to meet many new friends and to learn about all the tremendous projects that your sisters are doing in their courts. Local Courts, please send as many delegates, alternates and members as possible, in order for your members to be energized by all that happens at a National Convention. They will come back to your courts with renewed vigor for Catholic Daughters, and your courts will be more vibrant because of the attendance of your members at the National Convention. We have been building momentum in instituting new courts around the country. Please keep that momentum going so that at the convention we will see the fruits of our labors by meeting our membership goal. If there is anything any of us on the National Board can do to help you in instituting new courts, please don’t hesitate to ask. If you know of a contact in another country, please let us know that, too. We are here for you.
Please remind all your Circle of Love Chairmen to complete the forms and send them to the State Chairmen. State Chairmen, please send your best local project as well as a State Project to National by April 1, 2016. We would love to have 100% participation in all areas of the Circle of Love by every state and territory. This is the way you report to State and National about the wonderful work you are doing at the local and state levels. Please also submit your newsletters and websites to the contest chairpersons by May 1, 2016. All forms can be found on the CDA website
Priest Appreciation Sunday is June 5th. Please remember your chaplains, and local priests for all they do for us.
May you all have a Lenten Season filled with renewal as you experience God’s mercy and love. Have a Blessed and Happy Easter. To all of you who are mothers, may you have a very Happy Mother’s Day. May God always bless you.
Peace in Christ,
Shirley Seyfried
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