
05/16/2025 08:00 pm - 05/18/2025 04:00 pm

Holy Name Passionate Retreat Center

Event Picture

A Weekend of Discovery - A Lifetime of Love 430 Bunker Hill Rd, Houston, TX 77024

A Worldwide Marriage Encounter Experience is your chance to focus on your marriage, improve your communication, deepen your intimacy, and spend quality time together, free of distractions. Every marriage deserves such tender, loving care – in a private setting where you share only with each other.
To apply for this weekend, click

***If you are having trouble applying, making payment or you do not receive an auto-confirmation email within one day,  please call or email:

Brian & Tina Little  281-773-4014
Click here if you'd like to return to our website.


The Event page contains the description, date and time of the event, which was created either by the Administrator or Basic User.

The Administrators can edit and delete the Event as well as download it to the PC.
The Administrators cancreate and configure events using Admin - Events page.
