Group Mail

In integral part of our core PRM is our Group Mail Tool Group Mail is a flexible sending tool - to target your audience.
Most organizations need flexible sending tools - to target people based on their history with the organization.   Whether you want to send to all people, to subscribers of specific lists, or to narrow the campaign down based on a specific field on a persons profile or the record of their affiliated company, eWebLife can help you target your email campaigns to customers, clients, prospects, members, donors, volunteers, etc.  In addition, or group mail tool is integrated with our Event Management tools to enable you to invite people to events and do follow up campaigns based on their status (e.g., Paid/Not Paid, Yes/No/Maybe, Invited but not yet responded).  Invite include personalized links to simplify the registration process. 

Targeted Emails

  • Type of Connection

  • Membership Level or Status

  • Donors

  • Personalized Event Invites

  • Criteria on Person Record

  • Criteria on Organization Record